Carina mARTins ART

I need a light bath tonight – Original

Original price was: CHF2,200.00.Current price is: CHF980.00.

1 in stock


This piece explores the underwater world coming to life above ground. The world we live in is based in water, humans at one point in our evolution lived in water. The tadpole swimming in the vase of water representing the origins. But as much as we are born from the water we are born to the light. Metaphorically many go back below the surface to where it all began, but most of us grow out of thew water and towards the light, taking a light bath. So the plant grows out of the vase and towards the light. “Until the time comes for us, stay in the light.”


Oil on Canvas with Mixmedia

Size: 1.00m x 0.80m

Date: 2020